


About Me

Hello! My name is Kira (said like Keira Knightly) (she/her), and I am currently a PhD student in the School of Geography, Development, and the Environment at the University of Arizona. I am also affiliated with the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.

I am interested in land-ocean-atmosphere dynamics, particularly monsoon systems and how they have changed through time. The research for my MA degree focused on understanding the strength of the North American Monsoon over the last few thousand years. Using organic geochemistry, I extracted biomarkers from sediments from the Gulf of California to observe their relationship with the monsoon through time.

Through my previous work at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center on the Virtual Ice Explorer, I am incredibly interested in the creation and application of virtual field experiences (VFEs or virtual tours). I am excited to incorporate them into my work as I continue in academia, and I would love to discuss new applications! Please feel free to check out the VFEs I've made in the past, and contact me if you'd like to discuss methods or future possibilities!